Carland Cartography Partnerships & Collaboration
Hello! This page is for potential brand partners and collaborators interested in licensing my work, creating corporate installations, or working together in another professional partnership.
We can work with you to provide:
- Wholesale Orders of Prints (coming soon!)
- Large Prints For Corporate Installations
- Artwork for TV or Movie Sets
- Wallpaper and Removable Murals
- Merchandise (sold in bulk from current designs or designed to suit your products!)
My brand, Carland Cartography, specializes in colorful, bold, abstracted drawings of city street maps. The work is drawn by hand, and is inspired by the colors and "vibe" of each location. Depending on the media used to create the work, some pieces are more geometric and angular, while others are softer and more whimsical.
My work emphasizes memory, identity, and belonging and is a great fit for companies looking for fresh designs on textiles, homeware, wallpaper, ceramics, tile, stationery, and more! The locations included in my portfolio are cities many people can identify with - such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Manhattan and Cape Cod! I also offer a more unique focus with several neighborhood maps - perfect for the customer who wants to show off their hometown pride.
Unlike other map designs which are made by computer imaging, my work is created from the human perspective and has the nuances and fine details only available through years of artistic training and experience.
Get in touch with me today to start a conversation about how we can work together!
Click Here to Download Our Prints and Services PDF
Click Here To Download My Collections Portfolio PDF
Click Here to Download Our Company Info PDF
Coming soon! Wholesale Prints