Pittsburgh, PA
A quick short story…this morning, I was getting into a cab going from North Station to the Back Bay to avoid the much-dreaded green line of the subway, and the cabbie was listening to a radio station of old-timey music, which was a nice change up of the typical pop songs or reggae music. I am not exactly a “morning person” so I was pretty out of it. I had just ridden 50 minutes on my commuter train and had another cab ride and a short walk until I could even get to my office, so I was pretty zoned out. Then, a funny thing happened. The radio station started playing this song:
Now, while that may seem a little ironic (since I grew up in the Pittsburgh area), its even MORE ironic that I had with me a stack of maps to be mailed. In particular, my latest Kickstarter map of…you guessed it, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania!
Weird stuff like that happens to me all the time. Maybe it is some kind of cosmic intervention or something. Who knows. But either way, if you ordered a Pittsburgh map as part of my Kickstarter project…its coming your way soon!